2023 CAPS New Student Orientation Form CAPS New Student Orientation Form About YouName(Required) First Last NetID(Required)Student Admin Number (7-digits)Leave blank if you don't know it.Orientation/Registration Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Email(Required) Preferred Phone Number(Required)Please share a phone number we can call if we need to be in touch with you on or prior to your enrollment time.Your AcademicsAdvanced Placement/Early College Experience/OtherCourse Name/NumberAP/ECEExpected Grade/ScoreInstitution (UConn, CCSU, MCC, CCC, Gateway, etc.) Add RemoveInstitution (UConn, CCSU, MCC, CCC, Gateway, etc.)What is your major/intended major?(Required)Are you considering changing your major?(Required) Yes No Not Sure If yes, what major(s) are you considering?(Required)Do you have any specific career goals?(Required) Yes No Not Sure If yes, what are they?(Required)Are you considering a pre-law, pre-medicine, or pre-dental program track?(Required) Yes, Pre-Law Yes, Pre-Med/Pre-Dental No Not Sure Were you accepted into a Learning Community?(Required) Yes No No, but I am interested in learning more if there are openings If yes, which one?(Required)Please add any additional information you want to share with a CAPS Counselor before meeting:CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.