CAPS Services

cape town study abroad

Each CAPS student is assigned to a Counselor who provides them with one-on-one counseling and advisement beginning in the CAPS Summer Bridge Program and throughout their tenure at UConn.

CAPS uses the Five Pillars of Development Model, which is a holistic approach to advising. By fostering transformation in the five key areas of growth and development - academic, professional, personal, financial, and health and well-being - counselors support CAPS students to become self-empowered to achieve their goals at UConn and beyond.

The CAPS Peer Mentoring Program pairs incoming CAPS students with upper level CAPS students to offer them support and encouragement as they adjust to the demands of college life. Mentoring takes place through informal social meetings and academically oriented one-on-one and group meetings. Peer Mentors serve as an important on-campus resource for new students.

If students wish to learn more about CAPS Peer Mentoring or are interested in becoming a Peer Mentor, they may contact the CAPS Coordinator from their campus. Storrs, Avery Point, Hartford, Stamford, Waterbury

Students enrolled in the CAPS/SSS program are eligible to receive free tutoring through our partnership with Knack. Students can learn more and sign up for the program by clicking here. Additional tutoring resources are available below:

AAC Supplemental Instruction SI | Academic Achievement Center
Chemistry Tutoring Undergraduate Programs | Chemistry Tutoring
Economics Tutoring Tutoring | Department of Economics
Engineering Tutoring Fall 2024 Tutoring Schedule
Physics Tutoring LRC | Department of Physics
Quantitative Learning Center Quantitative Learning Center
Writing Center Writing Center 

Every semester, CAPS students enjoy access to exclusive enrichment and social opportunities such as academic and professional development workshops, the G.R.I.T. (Growing Resilience and Inspiring Transformation) Retreat, SSS Destress Days, the Senior and Academic Achiever celebrations and more!

CAPS offers its own short-term summer study abroad programs designed exclusively for UConn CAPS students. In addition, CAPS strongly encourages students to study abroad for an entire semester. Countries where CAPS students have studied abroad include: South Africa, England, Czech Republic, Costa Rica, Croatia, Spain, Italy, South Korea, and China.

Check out this video made by a CAPS/SSS student!

CAPS Study Abroad: Costa Rica Edition

CAPS FYE courses are taught by CAPS Counselors and provide first-year UConn students with the tools to help them develop college study skills, gain self-awareness, navigate college life, and grow as campus and global citizens in a CAPS community of learners.